Greetings everyone. We’re in the middle of the “Golden Week” holidays here in Japan. A nice break from the daily routine.
We’ve been waiting for some confirmation, but now I have some good news to share, actually remarkable news! Kathleen is doing excellent. Since starting the new regimen based on Avastin about six weeks ago, her tumor number (CA125 in blood) has dropped at least by half. In addition, since the chemo drugs she is taking with the Avastin are not as strong as in the past, she is feeling very, very good. Some neuropathy remains (extreme numbness in her lower legs and feet), but her energy level is excellent. Just a few months ago she was only able to get out of bed and sit in a chair or lie on the couch most days. Now, she is coming and going, taking the kids to dental appointments, cleaning out closets, having parties at our house, getting annoyed at me  . . . all the normal things that many of us take for granted! Honestly, I haven’t seen her this energetic for at least two years. It is truly a miracle.
We have enough money put aside, mainly from your wonderful donations, for a few more rounds of Avastin. The doctors are very encouraged about her quick progress and are indicating that they want her to keep taking the drugs for a while. We’re not sure how that is going to happen, but don’t need to make that decision at this time. At the moment, we are just rejoicing at this rather incredible turn in her health. Our Lord is good and he definitely answers prayer. It’s a pleasure to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
Thank you again for your non-stop support in giving, prayer, and messages. What a battle it has been! Our friends and family have been wonderful to stick with us through thick and thin. We can’t say it enough, thank you!
I’ll do my best to keep you updated.
–photo taken on Easter 2012
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